NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing the Problem Quality Safety and Cost Considerations

DSMES plays a vital role in reducing costs associated with diabetes complications and hospital-related costs in unmanaged hyperglycemia. When patients with diabetes are educated through DSMES and employ self-management behaviors, the chances of hospital readmissions are reduced, and subsequent costs are prevented. Furthermore, the costs of treating complex diseases due to untreated diabetes are reduced. Similarly, hospital costs are reduced when resources are allocated to other needed units, and diabetes care through DSMES reduces out and in-patient numbers (Rodriguez et al., 2022). 

Medication adherence is another strategy that will improve the quality of care and patient safety. By strictly adhering to medications for diabetes management, the patients will show a regulated blood glucose level. Consequently, the quality of care will be improved as nurses monitor their medication adherence behavior. Furthermore, compliance with prescribed medication will enhance patient safety as patients’ hyperglycemia is under control, and complications are prevented due to a consistent and regulated blood glucose level. This will ultimately reduce costs incurred when medications are not adequately taken as prescribed and severe health problems arise (Sugandh et al., 2023).

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing the Problem Quality Safety and Cost Considerations

The effectiveness of these strategies can be evaluated from evidence-based resources, as all treatment plans are substantial and have sound references. They have shown valuable results in the research, and conclusions are accurately drawn in the literature, showing their efficacy and practicality among diabetics. The available sources of relevant benchmark data are the guidelines and standards created by the American Diabetes Association on blood glucose measurement and how these ranges can guide patients on whether their diabetes is under control or requires further interventions. These interventions can improve the quality of care and patient safety for my mother while reducing costs for her and the healthcare systems at the same time. Lastly, I have documented the two hours spent with my mother in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form.


This assessment discusses the case of my mother’s diabetes from the perspective of quality of care, patient safety, and cost perspective. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that impacts the quality of care due to its chronic nature and patient safety due to harmful complications. Furthermore, it requires an excessive amount of money for adequate treatments. The policies and guidelines established by California Board of Nursing, ADA, and ACA can guide nurses in improving the quality of care and patient safety and reduce costs. Lastly, DSMES and medication adherence to antidiabetic drugs are evidence-based strategies that can improve the quality of care, enhance patient safety and reduce costs to system and patient. 


ADA. (n.d.). Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) | ADA

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